Case M&I recently provided turnkey system integration and valve actuator upgrade for a 1000 MW Allis Chalmers STG. CMI provided full engineering development of controls, software and hardware configuration along with all commissioning requirements and coordination. CMI converted the main turbine control to Woodward MicroNet™ from Woodward NetCon®. In addition to the new turbine control platform, CMI installed a high pressure valve actuation system and trip block system utilizing the Woodward ProTech TPS. CMI also provided complete design, build and installation for new turbine actuators for – 4 stop valves, 4 control valves, 3 intercept valves and 3 reheat/stop valves.
The project included Woodward MicroNet and ProTech TPS controls logic development and integration, screen development, communications integration, BOP/Turbine checkout, loop completion, electrical checkout, documentation and operator training, custom designed valve actuators and custom designed HPU.
The electronic control system included:
- Woodward MicroNet™Plus based solution
- Event Recorder (Integral function of the MicroNet™Plus system)
- Woodward ProTech®TPS Independent Overspeed Protection
- Control System Enclosure
- Operator and Engineering Work Stations
- Hardwired Operator Control Panel
- Full Licenses for Scope of Supply

The hydraulic control system included:
- Redundant Hydraulic Power Unit (High Pressure, with system accumulators and control fluid)
- Steam Valve Actuation Kits (4-SV, 4-GV, 3-IV, 3-RSV, all with spring cans)
- LVDT Kits (Redundant for modulating valves, simplex for non-modulating valves)
- Trip Block Assembly (2-out-of-3)
- Speed Sensing Kits (1 per shaft)